All new! All cats! All crazy! Organized by the Walker Art Center, the Internet Cat Video Festival is an offline celebration of online cat videos. Curated by Will Braden, the creator of the Henri Le Chat Noir videos, this all-new program contains everything from six second Vine videos to short dramas and documentaries – over 100 videos in all. Join your fellow cat lovers for this celebration of hilarious, odd, and downright adorable videos

leider in San Francisco ybca


Superbyte 2015 in Manchester

SuperByte 2015 – a ‘Chiptune, Low-Tech & 8-Bit Arts Festival – returns to Manchester, UK this year for its fourth installment.

SuperByte has risen to prominence over the last three years as one of the most important events on the international chiptune calendar.

The festival launched in 2012 as a one-day chiptune and retro gaming event and featured performances from the likes of Henry Homesweet and Chipzel. Having grown considerably over the last three years, the main performances of the 2015 edition will take place at Manchester’s The Zoo, with other activities and fringe events being held in various venues around the city.

There’ll be retro gaming expos and competitions, art exhibitions, circuit bending stalls and workshops for making music on various old-school gaming consoles.

official via Synthopia

Call: 4th International Video Poetry Festival 2015

The yearly International Video Poetry Festival 2015 will be held for fourth time in Greece in Athens. Approximately 2000 people attended the festival last years

There will be two different zones of the festival. The first zone will include video poems, visual poems, short film poems and cinematic poetry by artists from all over the world (America, Asia, Europe, Africa). The second zone will include cross-platform collaborations of sound producers and music groups with poets and visual artists in live improvisations.

The International Video Poetry Festival 2015 attempts to create an open public space for the creative expression of all tendencies and streams of contemporary visual poetry.

It is very important to notice that this festival is a part of the counter-culture activities of Void Network and + the Institute [for Experimental Arts] and will be non-sponsored, free entrance, non commercial and non profit event. The festival will cover the costs (2000 posters, 15.000 flyers, high quality technical equipment e.t.c.) from the incomes of the bar of the festival.All the participating artists and the organizing groups will participate voluntary to the festival.

Void Network started organizing multi media poetry nights in 1990. Void Network and +the Institute [for Experimental Arts] believe that multi media Poetry Nights and Video Poetry shows can vibrate in the heart of Metropolis, bring new audiences in contact with contemporary poetry and open new creative dimensions for this ancient art. To achieve this, we respect the aspirations and the objectives of the artists, create high quality self organized exhibition areas and show rooms, we work with professional technicians and we offer meeting points and fields of expression for artists and people that tend to stand antagonistically to the mainstream culture.


NODE15 braucht Unterstützung – noch heute

In einer Ausstellung, Vorträgen und Performances wird während des NODE15 Forum for Digital Arts unter dem Leitmotiv „Wrapped in Code – The Future of the Informed Body“ die Rolle des menschlichen Körpers im digitalen Wandel diskutiert. Wir wollen einen Ort schaffen, an dem GestalterInnen, Technologieenthusiasten, KünstlerInnen, DenkerInnen und die Öffentlichkeit in Dialog treten, um diesen Wandel kritisch zu reflektieren.

Kategorie: Event
Schlagwörter: Festival, Performance, Cyborgs, Exhibition, Art, Media Arts, Technology, Digital Arts
Finanzierungszeitraum: 10.10.2014, 11:58 Uhr bis 11.11.2014, 23:59 Uhr
Realisierungszeitraum: 27. April – 3. Mai 2015
und es fehlt an Geld -> Support!

Prism Camp in Stuttgart

Kommendes Wochenende findet in Stuttgart das PRISM-Camp statt, ein Barcamp über Strategien und Aktionen gegen Überwachung. Für die Teilnahme am Samstag und Sonntag wird um einen Unkostenbeitrag von 20 Euro gebeten, dafür gibts Essen, Technik und (bei Voranmeldung) auch Kinderversorgung.

Eine Menge interessante Menschen, angenehme Atmosphäre, regen Austausch, neue Ideen… aber welche Themen? Das PrismCamp ist ein Barcamp, d.h. statt eines vorab festgelegten Programms wird die Sessionplanung am Morgen vor Ort gemacht… von allen Teilnehmern gemeinsam!

via Netzpolitik

21-23.3.2014 Fliegt Drachen, keine Drohnen! Internationales Aktionswochenende

Unter dem Motto “Fly Kites Not Drones”ruft die britische Bürgerrechtsorganisation Voices for Creative Non-Violence zu einem internationalen Aktionswoche auf. In Afghanistan, aber auch anderen Ländern sollen Drachen fliegen, um auf die menschenverachtende Politik “gezielter Tötungen” aufmerksam zu machen. Hintergrund ist der Neujahrstag, der in Afghanistan am 21. März gefeiert wird.

mehr/via Netzpolitik